3 Powerful Daily Practices to Master Your Mindset

If we create our present experience, reality, and circumstances in our mind (we do), then what we do with our mind —allllll day long — MATTERS. A lot.
And I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in sometimes struggling to hold my focus on what I desire, without getting distracted by alllll the STUFF. To-do's, emergencies, unexpected expenses, things that didn't go how I'd planned, poop blowout diapers...stuff.
Here are 3 ways I keep my mind where it needs to be to continue creating the life I desire:
1 - AM routine
This can include all kinds of things, and mine has changed many times over the years, but the very basics are:
- get up before your kids / distractions
- DON’T check your phone/socials/email etc until you’re done with your AM routine
- review your goals — what do you desire to HAVE, DO, BE? Visualize yourself and your life as that.
- P.S. I do a PM routine too, that looks pretty much the same. I intentionally choose what's in my conscious mind before drifting off to sleep.
2 - The magic question
I started asking myself this question when I was working on ditching my constant overwhelm, and it has been so clutch ever since! (Major success there! I don’t live in overwhelm anymore…In fact, it’s rare now. But that’s another song for another time.)
The Q: What do I desire right now?
When I start to feel overwhelmed/frustrated/disappointed, like all my responsibilities and to-dos are running over the top of me, and/or anytime I have a funky or down energy, I ask myself, “What is it that I desire RIGHT NOW? What’s the deal w this vibe?!”
When you're feeling those low vibe feelings, you must be thinking there's something you'd RATHER be experiencing in the moment you're currently in. What is that something?
Mostly, my life looks a whole hell of a lot like I want it to look! So, I've often found that when I get into those funky moods, it's just a habitual response pattern. Some kind of trigger set off a low vibe response in me, and my mind started spinning out on the negative.
By asking the magic question, I find simple solutions that I can do NOW, and bring my mind back into the positive. Usually I realize that I just need to take a short break, or schedule an appointment of some kind, or go get a coffee shop coffee, or stop working on XYZ project.
And then - I do it. Whatever I identify as it. And in the process, I shift my mindset. No more funky/down vibes. οΈ
Asking the magic question forces me to face my funky moods head on, and stop the negative spin-out before it takes over the day.
3 - Power Shower
Instead of using my shower time to ruminate and worry about current challenges, I use it to visualize whatever successes I’m currently bringing to life. From financial, to business, to family, and everything in between.
I ask myself: What does life look like when ______(thing I desire) happens?
Then I spend my shower time visualizing that scenario. It’s incredibly empowering, and I often step out with new ideas and plans, and major inspiration.
Mindset MATTERS, so mind your mind! Do you do any of the above? What tips do you have for keeping your mind right, allllll day, errryday? DM me on IG at @alirspicer and share your thoughts!
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