4 Money-Making Truths for Ambitious Moms

Truth #1

You’re 100% right, girl -- more money WILL make life easier, because it gives you more leverage and more options.

Every time I’ve leveled up in income life's got easier. The hardest I’ve ever worked is when my income was at it’s lowest.

Truth #2

IT’S POSSIBLE to make the (bigger) income you desire AND be the wife / mom / friend / human you want to be. You’ve got to get really flippin CERTAIN it’s POSSIBLE! For YOU!

I’m able to be with my kids more now than ever. The least present I was as a mom was in the early stages, when I was still afraid to own my desire for a big income. I was trying to have a foot on first and steal second. Not possible. That makes your energy/vibe REALLY funky, and the Universe doesn’t know how to support you.

*Side note: neither will your closest peeps. 

Truth #3

Part of the reason it feels so hard is because you believe it will be so hard. It ALL gets easier once you decide it gets to be easy.

This one used to really piss me off (until I GOT it). Here’s what it means: if it feels like a fucking nightmare, it’s not your right path. Abort mission! Pick a new path! Start doing things different. Take the leap or do whatever you gotta do to let it be easier.

If the path you’re on feels like a grind every.single.day., you’re not on the path meant for you. Keep searching. And all the while, keep believing Truth #2.

So long as you do that, you’ll find your path, make your money, and it will all feel SO much easier than it might right now.

Truth #4

It’s ok be a mom who prioritizes making money. It’s ok to choose income earning activities first sometimes. You’re not less of a mom for having ambitions beyond being one.


Anyone who tells you your financial desires are unnecessary, unimportant, selfish, greedy, overkill, or otherwise inappropriate — either directly or (more likely) via small-minded internet memes & backhanded comments — can pound sand. Which is more important to you, having the life you desire or pleasing the whole damn world?

(Not to mention, I don’t know a SINGLE woman who wants a big income that doesn’t want to do great and generous things with it, both for her family and the world.)

Just go do your thang, girl. In the words of the great philosopher, Bonnie Raitt, let’s give em somethin to talk about. πŸ‘ŒπŸ€Yeah? 

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