Money Makes Life Easier: Giving Yourself Permission to Earn and Thrive

If it seems like life with more money comes easier……well, that’s because it does.
When I first got into learning about morning routines, and wanted to create one of my own, I was watching a video from one of the major women in personal development. She was going to tell me about her morning routine, and the one thing mine HAD to have. Ok, sweet, this should be good!
The one thing: a workout. Yup, I HAD to work out first thing in the morning. Shit. I immediately started thinking about all the limitations of my schedule and Nick’s, and how we’d make that work. Maybe she’ll tell me…I’ll watch more.
Well, apparently the workout is to take place around 6:00 AM…in my home gym. π€¨ And then, wait for it, I get ready for the day…around 7:00 AM…WHEN THE NANNY ARRIVES. π
I got a little salty. “Yeah, of course it’s easy for her, because…” I sulked.
The thing is though, we all have to start at the beginning. And the beginning of having more money to make things easier is π deciding you want to make more money, to make things easier.
The beginning is π building the belief that making more (or lots of) money is possible for YOU.
The beginning is π deciding you’re ALLOWED to pursue earning more.
The beginning is π giving yourself permission to be a mom who wants to earn a lot of money, and building THAT life.
That’s the beginning. And the famous chick with the home gym and the nanny started at the beginning, too. It was hard for her to get in a workout, too. And then she decided she’d make more money, to make it easier.
Watching her video didn’t make me salty because of the workout “requirement.” It was because she’d given herself permission to earn and have things that I wouldn’t give myself permission to even admit I wanted.
Money isn’t good, or bad, it’s just a tool. And more tools mean more resources, solutions, and leverage. More tools make life easier!
More tools make it easier for you to be the woman, mom, wife, friend, and human you want to be!
Money is a tool. It's not unholy, blinding, bad, the root of all evil, or all consuming. It's just a damn tool. Like a hammer.
Truth: my morning routine still doesn’t involve a workout. (That comes later in the day, because I decided it's not a mandatory part of a good morning routine, after all.π) But my life does include SO many more TOOLS than it did when I sat in that salty pile of pouting the day I watched the morning routine video.
And all the tools that have come into my life since that day are the result of finally giving myself permission to DESIRE and PURSUE them; to desire and pursue more money.
I started at the beginning. The same beginning the famous lady started at. I gave myself permission to be a mom who focused on making more money.
What’s ONE thing in your life that more money would make a whole lot easier?
Will you give yourself permission to live life like that?
If your answer is YES, then you, my friend, are an uncommon mom.
DM me your thoughts on this! IG: @alirspicer
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