Is Your Hard Work Slowing You Down? How to Balance Creation and Attraction for Success

Is your “hard work” getting in your way?
There’s a difference between CREATING and ATTRACTING. Both are important, and not understanding the difference could be slowing you doooooowwwwwnnnnnnn. (Truth: this was a huge challenge for me!)
CREATING looks like: holding a vision of what you desire, formulating a plan to bring it to life, and executing that plan. It’s strategic and action-focused.
ATTRACTING looks like: holding a vision of what you desire, visualizing yourself having your desire, believing it’s possible, and releasing your attachment to how or when it all happens.
CREATING is action-based. ATTRACTING is thought-based.
Here’s how relying too heavily (only) on CREATING can get in your way (and majorly slow you down):
You can become so focused on executing your strategic plan that you begin trying to CONTROL EVERYTHING. When you’re trying to control all.the.things, you’re blocking the universe from assisting you in any way. You’re eliminating any possibility of reaching your goal outside of the one way you’ve decided it must happen (which may or may not be coming together,BTW).
Not to mention you’re likely to live in a state of worry, doubt, and/or overwhelm. Controlling is exhausting! And hard. And impossible for any length of time. Don’t ask me how I know.
Here’s how relying too heavily on ATTRACTING can get in your way:
You must take some action to bring your desires to life! You can’t just sit on your pillow and meditate yourself into being a millionaire.
The thing is, though, a whole lot more of us, most of us, believe our challenges are solved by CREATING – strategy and execution – because CREATING relies on our physical senses, and is in line with the mainstream “just do it” messaging. We can see and “prove” how CREATING works more easily than we can ATTRACTING, so a lot of us try and force our dreams to life. Grinding. #IYKYK
If you relate, THIS MESSAGE IS YOUR SIGN: It’s time for you to lean more into ATTRACTING! Let go of control, friend. Loosen your grip. White knuckles aren't required. Actually, they are a great image of exactly what's slowing you down.
Spend some time bringing your vision to life in your mind (everyday), and trust that it’s all working out. Take the steps that feel right, and then rest, trust, and know.
It's all working out for you. It's all working out for you. It's all working out for you. It's all working out for you.
Ok, now your turn. It's all working out for me. It's all working out for me. It's all working out for me. It's all working out for me.
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