Beyond Massive Action: Why You Achieve More with Aligned Goals and Strategies

TAKE MASSIVE ACTION! That’s the battle cry of the Hustlers. It’s the subject of approx 2,346,923,947 books. Just 10X your efforts, right? Hustle and grind, and live and die by caffeine. If you work hard enough, you’ll get the results. That’s the story that’s being told and sold, over and over again.
Here’s my beef with the MASSIVE ACTION Strategy: I used it for a long time, got only a fraction of the results I desired to create, and felt like shit all the livelong day. Lawddd, did I try to show up for 10Xing, day after day! I was so. damn. EXHAUSTED. Overwhelmed. Depleted...always so depleted. Massive action chewed me up and spit me out. It was a treadmill, producing sweat and tears but not the equivalent in results.
Instead of seeing it as a flawed strategy, I saw me as a flawed human, who couldn't hack it.
I felt ashamed of my weakness. That's the story being sold. "Most people just won't work hard enough, will you?" I wanted to badly to be on of the brave ones who would and could, what was my problem? Why was I so weak?
If MASSIVE ACTION was the only way, I didn’t want the dream anymore. Life felt hard, impossible to carry, and lacked any shred of balance. The MASSIVE ACTION Strategy left me exhausted and overwhelmed, with no way to pursue my goals and dreams AND honor my values.
Truth: If the strategy requires you to choose between your values (who and what matters to you most) and your goals/dreams, it’s not the right strategy for you.
That’s a relief, huh? It feels good…so good that you wonder if it’s too good to be true, right? You get to honor your values and reach your goals? It’s not all about grinding until you crash, and then figuring out how to find the energy to do it all over again tomorrow?
It’s about power, not force. What does that mean, in real life?
When you do the internal work to clear the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs before designing and taking action, you create an aligned strategy that allows results to flow in like a natural consequence. Your results become like water flowing into an empty cup you slowly submerge in water, rather than a statue you carve out of granite. It still takes effort, and work, but it’s no longer about the grind.
When I was signed up for the MASSIVE ACTION Strategy, I wasn’t the kind of person I needed to be to create the kind of results I wanted to create, but according to MASSIVE ACTION Theory, that didn’t matter. As long as I 10Xed my efforts everyday, I’d get there.
Raise your hand if you know someone who worked their ass off their entire life, but never created the level of freedom and lifestyle you desire to create?
Every hand in the room just went up, right?
When I was rocking the MASSIVE ACTION Strategy, so much of my energy and effort went into wrestling with imposter syndrome, fears, and doubts. I was constantly trying to work around crippling fear and doubt. But MASSIVE ACTION Strategy says we must always be going, always be doing, so I’d find whatever tasks and to-do’s I could come up with and dive in with gusto. As long as I’m taking MASSIVE ACTION, I’ll get there, right?!
Friend, I have some bad news, if you're planning on riding the MASSIVE ACTION pony into the promised land. That strategy might leave you exhausted, overwhelmed, overscheduled, and burned out, and it might not help you create the life you crave. You can keep riding that horse if you want to, but if that’s not your vibe...I also have good news!
You can stop grinding for grindings sake.
Take a deep breath. Exhale, fully and completely. Hear me when I say that creating the freedom and lifestyle you crave doesn’t require you to grind until you die, and it doesn’t require you to abandon your values either.
Doing isn’t the whole answer.
The impact and result of your doing is determined by who you are being when you’re doing all that doing. The path to creating the freedom you crave will include action, and maybe even some MASSIVE ACTION. But that will be a part of the process, not the whole strategy.
Playing bigger isn’t just about taking MASSIVE ACTION. It's about so much more than that. Playing bigger is about changing who you BE, so you can show up more powerfully. Power vs. force, remember? It means growth. Small, consistent steps will take you as far as massive action, if they’re aligned, and part of a solid strategy. (Want more about alignment? Check out this post.)
You get to stop strategizing and forcing your way past the blocks that come up with massive action. Imposter syndrome, fear of being seen, overwhelm, burnout, whatever it is for you – those blocks aren’t in the way, they are the way. Do the work to transform from the inside out; Start using power instead of force.
Yes, to working hard on your journey.
Yes, to taking action.
Yes, to stepping outside your comfort zone.
Yes, to taking massive action, when it feels like the right next step, when it feels aligned.
Yes, to “summer” seasons of life, when you’re going hard in service to your big goals.
Yes, to sprinting – for a period of time.
No, to massive action for actions sake.
No, to grinding to exhaustion every day, day after day.
No, to working hard enough to make up for the fear and doubt that lives inside you, blocking you from taking the steps you actually need or want to take.
No, to strategies and actions that leave you feeling chewed up and spit out.
No, to abandoning your values – who and what matters to you most – in service to achieving your goals and building your vision.
Your strategy gets to include so much more than MASSIVE ACTION, if you want it to.
Fun get to be a part of the process.
Rest gets to be a part of the process.
Time off gets to be a part of the process.
Unscheduled hours, days…WEEKS get to be a part of the process.
Enjoying the process gets to be part of the process.
Doing and BEING.
It’s a dance. Do, be, do, be, do, be, do, be, do.
I honor your courage to show up for what you’re called to create and be. Keep showing up. Send me a DM and tell me what dream you're showing up for this year.
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