Ditching the Sunday Scaries

Starting Sunday night I would get a pit in my stomach, and it would keep building as the hours ticked away. The Sunday Scaries.
Mondays used to mark the end of my freedom; the end of my allotment of time to live and focus on MY visions and goals. They marked the end of my allotment of time to connect with my babies, hubby, and people. They marked the beginning of my time-for-dollars exchange, and because I desired an income far above my salary, it felt depressing, frustrating, and overwhelming.
I justified my Monday depression like this: This is just how it is when you have a family and are building a career. This is the cost of the lifestyle.
I was SO tragically wrong! (My life today PROVES that, week after week.) And I spent so much precious time believing in that limiting version of reality. I believed there was a “cost” to the lifestyle I wanted – as an ambitious working mom, with big impact and big income – and the cost was: living life grinding through Monday-Friday, and gasping for breaths of the fresh weekend air until the Monday smog descended again.
Oh, friend…don’t believe in the limiting lies that I sold out to. Don’t believe in LIMITS or RULES or MUSTS or SHOULDS based on the lifestyle you desire. CONDITIONS – AKA requirements that should or must be done to have/do/be what you want – are made up in our minds. They exist because of our belief in them.
1 – Decide what you want. Does Monday suck HARD? What would ROCK? What do you WANT? Specifically. Clearly. In detail. What. Do. You. WANT?
2 – Believe you can have it. Get CERTAIN that however you want it to be is how it gets to be for you. How do you get certain? There are lots of ways, but a few include: affirmations, vision boards/books, visualization, journaling (What are your limiting beliefs? What is ACTUALLY true, instead?), high vibe books/courses/podcasts…etc.
3 – Take action each day to create it. One step. One more step. One more step. One more step. Know that you’ll be supported by the Universe in ways you cannot see or imagine, based on your level of certainty that you can have the life you desire.
The Equation: CLARITY + CERTAINTY + CONSISTENCY (action) = Any damn Monday you desire!
Clarity + Certainty + Consistent Action will bring to you anything you desire to have / do / be in life.
The hardest part is CERTAINTY. There will always be “reasons” and justifications for why it can’t be so. The work is: leaning into faith, and continuing to build CERTAINTY that what you desire IS available to you now, NO MATTER WHAT YOU SEE.
I don’t hate Mondays anymore. Actually, Mondays inspire the shit out of me now, and have become one of my favorite days of the week. They now mark a beginning of more ambitious purists and dreams coming true, rather than an ending of the same.
What does Monday mean to you?
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