Tales of Pregnancy: The Fourth Quarter and Preparing for Parenthood

I know, I know, trimesters. But I can’t help but see the parallels between the last month of pregnancy and the fourth quarter of a game. At this point you’re probably injured or in some kind of pain. Every minute hurts, but you know the end is near so it’s time to suck it up and get it done. You’re perpetually out of breath, you’re sick of getting elbowed and kicked, and you’ve resorted to praying for strength, cause you’re absolutely positive you’ve already used up every ounce of energy you’ve got. Fourth quarter.

According to the experts as of next week I am officially GO FOR LAUNCH!

My very practical doctor, however, keeps me grounded and fully aware that it’s pretty likely that 40 weeks is the magic number, or at least very close to it, and potentially longer. We had our 36 week appointment yesterday and, to summarize, she informed me I was still, in fact, pregnant and that I’ll be having some serious contractions before I’m not, so settle in and buckle up.

I’m definitely ready to be done being pregnant. That’s a real revelation, right? No 36 week pregnant lady has ever come up with THAT before, surely!

I’m ready to have my whole closet back, not just the tiny section that fits over my new body. I’m not disheartened or frustrated with the weight gain, I’m just ready to feel like myself again, and to represent myself how I’d like…not just with what fits. I know it’s not the flip of a switch once baby comes and you’re magically right back where you started, that it’s a process, but it’s actually the process itself that I miss! I like having control over how I look and feel based on nutrition and physical effort. I’m very excited to transition back into a body that feels strong, capable and active! (Ya, ya, and strung out on no sleep for like 18 years, I’ve been told.)

On that note, I’m ready to be done discussing my size. Honestly, I genuinely don’t know how to respond to people, as many have decided that I don’t look as large as they expected, and they tell me how “small” I am. And you can understand why I don’t know what to say to that, right? You see the irony of this, no? Prior to pregnancy I was not called “small” a single day in my life! It took gaining 35+ pounds, a shoe size, and a belly and all the sudden people think I’m mini sized!

I’m looking forward to a damn cocktail! From the minute we found out I was pregnant Nick insisted we start purchasing a bottle of wine every time we went to the store, as he was pretty sure that this was the only time in our lives when wine would survive around our house long enough to fill our kitchen wine rack. Mission accomplished as of last week, complete with some bubbly in the fridge for a mini celebration, once we have our mini human!

I’m completely over sneezing, and coughing really hard, while pregnant. Either you know what I mean or you don’t want to. Either way. I’m over it.

I’m excited to start doing. IT. MYSELF! In a couple different ways.

Way number one: As I mentioned before, I can’t lift much, sometimes can’t walk, and all that goes with those challenges, so having a career that involves event setup and tear down has been an adventure that’s led to a few tears—both pain and frustration. It’s not that my coworkers haven’t been helpful, the majority have been incredibly willing to lend a hand! That’s just it though…I suck at asking for help and probably suck worse at accepting it. I cannot stand being the person that exceptions must be made for.

I’m SO fortunate to have people around me that make sure I’m not doing anything stupid to get a job done in these closing weeks of pregnancy. From my boss to everyone else on our team that’s been so considerate and helpful: THANK YOU! I truly appreciate it!

Annnd, as fortunate as I know I am for all those reasons and people, I cannot wait to be able to do things for myself again, and to stop having to ask for exceptions and modifications.

Way numero dos: As soon as you announce you’re pregnant there are lots of people that tell you how it will or should change your life. Raise your hand if you’ve heard some version of this. “Once you have a child, you won’t say/think/do that.” Or the opposite, “Once you have a child, you will always say/think/do this.”

Nick and I are both excited to start doing it—our way. To prioritize what we think is important, and to instill the values that we feel are integral. To experience it how we’d like to experience it…or however it comes at us! To find out for ourselves what our sleep time and free time will be like. Simply put, we want to do it ourselves.

We’re not crazy, thinking we can operate as an island. I’ve been fortunate to have a whole bunch of people who have given me guidance, whether I asked one or one million questions. (I’m guessing Lexi is considering canceling her texting services for this very reason.) There are a whole bunch of people who have, and will continue to, play huge roles in our lives, and in Baby’s life.

But anyone that is being honest will acknowledge that all the guidance and advice in the world, whether solicited or unsolicited, doesn’t replace getting to do it yourself. Nick and I both share the same feeling at this point; we’re ready to stop thinking about it and just do it! Of course neither of us have any idea what we’re in for, but we’re just ready to be done theorizing. We’ve planned, prepared and prioritized, enough already!

Back when I played sports, I never got very nervous. Anxious and excited, always, but nervous wasn’t really my style. You hear about people puking before big games, and that was never me. I trained a lot, and trained hard, so I guess it was more like, either we’ve got what we need or don’t, but either way, it’s game time.

That’s how I feel about Baby Spice. I know there’s A LOT we don’t know...frankly, it’s all a giant unknown! But just like in a game, you have the opportunity to do your best every second of the way, making continual course corrections, and that’s pretty huge potential! That’s enough for me, in sports and baby raisin. We’ve prepared pretty extensively and now we’re ready to just get started. Come what may.

Once you get to the closing month, all the focus seems to transition to the finish line, but there have been some amazing parts of these last eight months. Most notably, all of you. We’ve been so genuinely surprised and overwhelmed by the amount of love and support people have shown us, from our bosses to our friends to our relatives. People have gone out of their way in a multitude of capacities and we both feel incredibly blessed and thankful. Thank you so much for reminding us what AMAZING people we are surrounded with!


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