The Biggest Obstacle to Success and How to Release It

The biggest obstacle that most of us face in creating the success, income and lifestyle we desire ISN’T a lack of time. It’s also not a lack of money, ideas, talents or skill sets. It’s holding an image of ourselves that limits what’s possible in our reality. And strangely enough, we will often fiercely fight to keep our safe, warm, comfortable self-perceived limitations.
If we hold onto them tightly enough, they are truth, right? They become our protectors. And our anchors.
Are you willing to release your biggest obstacle?
Choose to see yourself differently. Choose to change how you think about YOU. Release the comfort of, “I can’t do that,” and, “That’s just not who I am." Let go of, “I’m not _____ enough to ______.”
Instead, get curious. Begin to question your thoughts and beliefs.
- Can I say for absolute certain that it's 100% fact that, "I'm not ______ enough to _____?"
- Can I say for absolute certain that it's 100% fact that, "I'm too ______ to _____?"
- Can I say for absolute certain that it's 100% fact that _____(insert limitation that you've been believing here)______?
Is it fact, or is something you've crafted in your mind and built belief around? Can you poke holes in it? Can you see how it's not absolute, 100% fact? Can you see how it's just a (subjective) viewpoint?
And if it is, indeed, something you've crafted in your mind and built belief around -- not ultimate truth -- what is more true?
Example: No, it's not a fact that I suck at sales. The truth is, it takes time to learn new skills, and sales is a new skill to me. I'm going to give myself more grace, because the truth is, I want to be good at this, even though I don't know a lot about it yet. The truth is, I'm still learning.
No, it's not a fact that I will never lose the baby weight...
No, it's not a fact that I can't make new friends...
No, it's not a fact that I can't make more money than ______...
No, it's not fact that I'm going to screw it all up...
The truth is....
Journal. Journal. Journal. Journal. Journal.
You get to choose what you build belief around. So much of what holds us back isn't fact, but rather, misunderstandings that we've crafted in our minds and began to believe in. You know what the truth is? You get to decide what is true for you. You get to choose the truth that best supports your goals and dreams, and build belief in that. Craft your self-image, rather than just accepting whatever pops up for you along the way. Yes, it’s work. But, girl, it’s THE work.
Every reality is available to you. You get to pick! And at any point in time, you are allowed to change your mind, and pick again. Your self-image yesterday doesn’t have to be invited into tomorrow. You choose, friend. You get to choose.
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