Unlock Your Full Potential: Overcome Limiting Beliefs

When the income, or success, or lifestyle you crave seems so far from what you’re experiencing today, it’s kinda feels impossible, huh? (At least it did for me!) If you can’t see any path forward from where you are toward what you truly desire, then you probably need to step backward, and remove the roadblock. 

First, you’ve got to decide what you believe is true, and what you believe is true for YOU. You’ve got to decide that what you desire is POSSIBLE for you. You won’t be able to see the best, easiest, aligned and/or available steps forward, toward your desire(s), if you don’t believe they're possible for you.

Think of it like this: You want to go on vacay to the sunny beaches of Florida but for some reason you don’t believe you can. Maybe your car won’t make it, or you can’t afford gas or the plane ticket, or you don't know the way. Naw, you believe you can only make it to Ohio.

Your brain can’t go to work helping you get to sunny Florida, because you don’t believe it’s possible. In fact, because of what you believe is true for you, your brain will only be looking for ways to help you get to Ohio, because you decided that (only) Ohio is possible. You're just the kind of girl that can only go on Ohio vacations. 

So then, obviously you tell yourself that you have to find a way to enjoy Ohio, because that’s just all that’s possible for you. Meanwhile, LOTS of other people are going to the beach in Florida! But not you, you’re “stuck” in Ohio, because that’s just what’s possible or you. That’s “just how it is.”

If you’ve decided you have to settle for a job you hate (or don’t enjoy, or that doesn’t fulfill you), that you’ll only make enough money to barely pay the bills (with the occasional vacay to Ohio), that you aren’t ______ enough to have what you really want, or that you’re way too _____ to ever have what you truly desire, then so it shall be.

Once you’ve decided what’s true for you, and fully committed to the life you desire, the steps and circumstances will reveal themselves. The path will show up. But NOT if you don’t believe it’s possible.

NOT if you believe that some parts of life simply have to suck, because that’s “just how life is.”  

REMOVE YOUR ROADBLOCK: Our lives can't turn out any better than we believe they can. We set the limits. So why not decide that yours gets to be everything you desire?   

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