Why I Couldn’t Earn the Income I Desired: Shifting Self-Image and Beliefs for Success

I’ve tried every MLM under the sun (ok, not that many, but a lot) and I failed at all of them. How come?
Ok, I should qualify “failed.” I met tons of great people, I got outside my comfort zone and experienced lots of personal growth, had some fun, was introduced to some legitimately great products (many I still use and love), spent a lot of time immersed in the high-vibe atmospheres I LOVE, and YES - I did earn some cash money.
But I never “went big,” impacting lots of lives, and earning lots of income, with any of the MLMs I choose. Why not?
Because you can’t out earn your self-image. You can’t out-achieve your concept of yourself.
Out loud I said things like, “I’m all in!” And, “This is the thing that I’ll use to change so many lives!” And, “This is my path to financial freedom!”
But what I was thinking and feeling on the inside was, “My 9-5 career is still my priority because that's how you make real money.” And, “I’m going to do this, but I’m not going to talk about it too much, because people will think I’m annoying if I do.” And – wait for it, you’ve never heard this one before: “I’m just too busy right now.”
(Yes, I was apparently busier than the millions of other people who are...millionaires.)
And then when I quit, I rationalized, like, “Well, that wasn’t the right product (or company) for me.” And, “I’m just not that type of person.” And, "I just don't want to share that much of my personal life on social." (LOL, what?!)
I always had a “reason” I didn’t earn the money and create the lifestyle I wanted. And I wasn’t lying, I believed it! I didn’t understand the role my beliefs and self-image played in my external results. I didn’t understand that the beliefs I held about myself, and about money, were the true limits to my impact and income.
Not the system. Not the product. Not the MLM. NOT HOW HARD I WORKED. My beliefs about myself and the world.
If the image you hold of yourself is of a $xx,xxx person, no external circumstance will change that. You’ll remain a $xx,xxx person, until your internal belief changes; until your SELF-IMAGE changes. Your expectations and actions won't change until your deepest held beliefs do.
You'll always have some ups and downs, but your general financial and lifestyle set points will remain about the same, in line with your beliefs about yourself and the world.
If you want to make more impact and income, the first place you go to work isn’t on your external circumstances. Because girl, it’s not about the job, the boss, the system, the MLM, the thing out there. It’s about YOU.
Where do you start if you want to change that set-point, and change that image?
Spend time every day – it doesn’t have to be long, 5-10 minutes, or more – VISUALIZING yourself earning the income, making the impact, and living the lifestyle you desire.
How will you FEEL when you’re earning at the level you desire?
How will you FEEL when you help lots of people in the ways you desire to serve?
How will you FEEL when you’re doing the things you want to do, and experiencing the results you want to have?
How will you FEEL when you’re living the lifestyle you desire?
How will you FEEL when you’re showing up in the world as exactly the woman you desire to be?
Go there! Do it all, in your mind. Spend time daily visualizing yourself having, doing and BEING those things and experiences. Allow yourself to FEEL how you’ll FEEL when that’s your everyday reality.
Why does that work? Because your brain doesn't know the difference between a real, lived experience, and a vividly-imagined experience. When you're visualizing the experience, in detail, with lots of emotion, your brain thinks you're actually doing it. If you're willing to be the things you desire to be in your mind, your brain begins to believe those things are true about you in real life, and starts to search for ways to keep your reality congruent.
Your brain will help you create more of what it believes is true for you. And if you're vividly imagining (and feeling, with emotion) what you desire to be your reality, your brain believes it is your reality, and goes to work for you keeping it that way.
If you want more impact and more income, you’ve got to FEEL like the kind of woman who can make more impact and more income. You’ve got to know it’s real for you, that it’s your truth, before you’ll see it as your external circumstances and results.
Yes, of course you'll also have to move your feet. You can't feel your way into all your desires without showing up. But when you start taking action from a place of knowing, a place of certainty, a place of power, magic happens.
Change your image of yourself = change your life. Go to work in here -- 🧠 & ❤️ -- and the circumstances around you will take care of themselves.
Thoughts? DM me on IG - @alirspicer.
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