Why Your Vision Board Didnโ€™t Work: The Missing Key to Bringing Your Vision to Life

How come nothing changed for you after you created your rad vision board, with images that represented your hearts deepest desires, and hung it where you’d see it every day, like they said to do?

Come along, and I'll tell you why. 

I used to create vision boards because I wanted all the help I could get reaching my big goals. I'd read and heard some of the same stuff you have (anyone read or seen The Secret?) -- that seeing a visual image of the things you want is supposed to be powerful.

And it was powerful…a powerful, daily reminder of the shit I wanted, didn’t have, and didn't know how to get. So, not especially helpful. ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ˜†

Here’s what I didn’t understand about vision boards, that is way too often skipped over:

The purpose of any tool, as it relates to creating or manifesting your desires, is to help you BELIEVE YOU CAN HAVE the thing / experience / circumstance you want.

That's it. It's about you getting to a place where you BELIEVE you can have/do/be the thing(s) you want. It's that simple. (I said simple, not easy.) 

  • You’ve got to create a powerful belief, inside yourself, that you ARE ABOUT TO GET the stuff that’s on your vision board.
  • You’ve got to shape your self-image so it's fully aligned with your concept of the sort of person who can have the stuff on your board.
  • You’ve got to believe fully and entirely that you are worthy of the things on your board.

Those are all very different than believing you can have/do/be those things SOMEDAY.

Those are very different than having a self-image as the sort of person who could have/do/be those things SOMEDAY.

Those are all different than believing you will be worthy of those things SOMEDAY.

Do you see the difference?

Unless you do the work to build the belief that the things you desire ARE COMING NOW, your vision board will be full of sweet pics of stuff you can’t seem to get.

To start using your vision board in a more effective way, try this:

Go through the images on your board one at a time, and imagine yourself RECEIVING THE THING TODAY.

  • How would you FEEL if someone rang your doorbell RIGHT NOW and handed it over? (We don't care about why or how, just image they DID.)
  • How would you FEEL if you walked into work TODAY and your boss gave you the position/raise/etc? (We don't care why (s)he did, just image it happened.)
  • See yourself, in your mind, receiving those things RIGHT NOW, AS YOU ARE TODAY. How does that FEEL?

THOSE feelings are what the vision board is meant to help you create. THOSE feelings are your gold! Those feelings indicate you’re getting into BELIEF, that the thing you want to happen CAN AND WILL happen!

I'd love to hear about your vision board experiences, positive or negative. Did you create your hearts desires though vision boards?! Or did you experience them like I did...to reinforce the wrong beliefs (that you don't have and can't get what you want)? DM me on IG: @alirspicer. 



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