Why your hard work isn’t taking you to your next level (and what will)

I was listening to a Russell Brunson podcast the other day, and something clicked in my brain. Something that explains why so many badass, ambitious women can’t seem to level up in the ways they want to.

He was talking about the key to success in life, business, income—everything. He said your life—every part of it—is built on your patterns, and that the master key that unlocks all success is seeing your patterns, and then shifting them. Until you do that, you’ll keep getting the same results.

He’s right (no surprise—RB has clearly figured a thing or two out about success πŸ˜…). It’s called a pattern interrupt—breaking the subconscious patterns that are keeping you stuck and replacing them with patterns that will actually drive the results you want.

This is literally what I teach.

This is why some women seem to create success in record time, while others grind for years with no traction. And this is why you still feel stuck, despite working your ass off.

But here’s what really hit me that day:

People hear these kinds of insights from big names like Russell (or insert your fav big-name mentor here)—smart, successful, wildly respected experts—and they take away the exact wrong lesson.

“If he can do it, I should be able to do it on my own too.”

“Successful people figure it out by themselves.”

“If I need help, maybe I’m not cut out for this.”


The belief that you should be able to shift your patterns on your own (or do whatever else your fav mentors are telling you to do all by yourself) is itself a pattern.

And you’re using your favorite expert’s advice as proof that your pattern—do it all yourself—is the “right way.”

You hear, “Success is about shifting patterns,” and instead of realizing, “Oh damn, I need help seeing mine,” you think, “Okay, I need to work harder at seeing and shifting them myself.”

That’s why you’re still stuck! Because the difficulty level of seeing your own patterns is somewhere between really damn hard and impossible. Ever heard the term, “blind spot”?

To you, your limiting patterns don’t look like patterns. They look like facts. Reality. The way things are. So you work really hard inside your same old patterns (because ya know, that’s just how things are), and wonder why the hell things aren’t shifting.

You’re trying to change your life with the same patterns that have been running it. That’s why, no matter how much effort you put in, you keep hitting the same walls.

Why you're working so hard… and still not getting where you want to go

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, I’m working so hard, WTF is wrong with me?, you need to hear me:

Your personality is not the problem.
Your intelligence is not the problem.
Your effort is not the problem.
Your discipline is not the problem.

The problem is that your brain is wired to repeat what it knows, and what it knows is what got you here—but won’t take you where you want to go.

(If you want to learn more on this, I highly suggest checking out that RB podcast I was talking about—Ep. 14 on the Russell Brunson Show: The Master Key That Unlocks All Success. But you know, after you finish this blog. 😏)

Exact stats vary, but your subconscious mind runs something like 27,500x faster than your conscious mind. That means your patterns are already making decisions for you before you even have a chance to think.

It’s like a GPS that’s locked onto the wrong destination. No matter how many times you try to change course, it autocorrects back to what’s familiar.

“Make a u-turn. Make a u-turn.”

This is why…

  • This is why working harder doesn’t change things for you—it just brings you more of what you were already getting.
  • This is why you feel like you’re doing everything right but still not getting anywhere.
  • This is why success seems to come so much easier for some women while you feel like you’re sprinting just to stay in the same place.

Because your subconscious programming is keeping you repeating the same cycles. And until you see it and rewire it, nothing changes.

Why it's so hard to do alone

Here’s where go-getter, ambitious women get stuck: They think, “Okay, no problem—if my patterns are keeping me stuck, I just need to figure them out and fix them.”

But YES, problem—because your patterns don’t feel like patterns to you.

They feel like:
πŸ“Œ Logic.
πŸ“Œ Facts.
πŸ“Œ The way it is, and the way things work.

Self-awareness alone isn’t enough (if it was, you wouldn’t still be stuck, just sayin’. Most of the women who read my stuff are very self-aware, hardworking, and capable. If it was that simple, you’d already be where you want to be).

You don’t break patterns by thinking about them. You break patterns by seeing them, interrupting them, and rewiring them. And the quickest (and sometimes only) way to do that is with outside eyes. (Blind spots—remember?)

That’s exactly what we do inside Rewired™.

Rewired™—the missing piece in your puzzle

If you’re done spinning your wheels, here’s the deal:

You don’t need another strategy.
You don’t need more motivation.
You don’t need to “get more confident.”

What you do need is to retrain your brain to run completely different programs—so success, income, and freedom become the natural result of who you are and how you operate.

That’s what Rewired™ is designed to do.

What's Rewired™?

Rewired™ is my 6-month private coaching experience designed to help ambitious women break free from the subconscious patterns keeping them stuck—so they can finally turn their effort into real results and create the success, income, and freedom they’ve been chasing.

βœ” Weekly 60-minute private (1:1) coaching calls (3 weeks on, 1 week off) → Deep support as you rewire your patterns in real time.
βœ” Breakthrough Kickoff Session → No fluff. From Day 1, we go straight to what’s keeping you stuck and create an action plan to shift it.
βœ” Personalized transformational coaching with neuroscience-backed techniques → This isn’t just “mindset work.” We’re rewiring you at every level—mental, emotional, somatic, subconscious, and behavioral.
βœ” Voxer access between sessions → Outside session support. You know how an idea sounds great when you think of it, but a lot harder to implement IRL? Yeah, me too! I’ve got you. πŸ˜‰

3 phases of transformation 
  1. Seeing It (Identity Reset & Rewire) → We uncover the subconscious patterns running your life—so you finally see what’s really been keeping you stuck.
  2. Claiming It (Becoming Her) → You’ll start moving like the version of you who already has the success you want. No hesitation. No overthinking. No more waiting to “feel ready.”
  3. Owning It (Locking It In) → This isn’t just about temporary shifts. This is about making these new patterns so ingrained in who you are that success, income, and freedom become your new normal.

If you can see this is different: APPLY

I’m not here to convince you. You either see it, or you don’t.

If you’ve tried…

βœ” Business courses that left you with more information but no real results
βœ” Strategy tweaks that worked for other people but never seemed to click for you
βœ” The latest "opportunity" (or 10) you saw online—the thing that’s supposed to be the shortcut, but somehow never is
βœ” Mindset work that felt good in the moment but didn’t change anything long-term
βœ” Journaling, manifesting, affirmations—still stuck
βœ” Working even harder (because maybe this time it’ll pay off)

…and you’re still not where you want to be—this is what’s been missing.

If you’re ready to finally shift the patterns keeping you stuck…

Investment: $6,500 (payment plans available)

πŸ“ Apply for Rewired™ here

Side note: Recognizing the problem but not solving it? A pattern.
Waiting until you feel “ready”? A pattern.
Overthinking instead of taking action? Yep, another pattern.
Knowing what you need but not investing, and deciding you can keep “figuring it out yourself if you work hard enough”? Yeah—that one, too.

The question is… are you going to keep running the same pattern, or are you going to break it?

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Why your hard work isn’t taking you to your next level (and what will)

Why confidence ISN'T the key to more income + freedom (and what is)

How to leave your 9-to-5β€” the first step most women miss

How to move past what’s holding you back and finally get unstuck