You Don’t NEED a Morning Routine but You Might WANT One: Why It’s Optional and How to Create One That Works for You

Over the years I’ve had almost every kind of morning routine. I’ve read the books, and tried all the things. After about two decades of experimentation, I can say without hesitation that you don’t need a morning routine. And, you might want one.
Because so much is written / said about this topic, there are layers and layers of SHOULD caked over it now. They’ve made morning routines the proverbial multi-vitamin of habits. Sure, you won’t die if you don’t have one, but you SHOULD…
It’s been put up on a pedestal, given levels of importance and meaning. It’s hard to know what the actual point of a morning routine is anymore, because it depends on who you ask or what you listen to. Like so many (too many) of the concepts in the personal development space, it’s been over-complicated to sell books and programs. Great news, it’s not complicated! I can sum up pretty quickly…
Which scenario leaves you most primed and likely to have a kickass day?
- Waking up after your kids / family, rushing through your “get ready” routine, eating as quickly as possible or skipping breakfast altogether, and hurrying into drop offs and/or your work day…
OR… - Waking up before your kids / family, having some time to yourself, intentionally moving through your “get ready routine,” and then rolling into drop offs and/or your work day?
If option 1, cool, you’re set! Don’t worry about a morning routine if you’re already starting your days inspired and ready to rock whatever is on your calendar, regardless of the pace of flow of your morning.
If option 2, also cool! Create some systems, routines, or habits – probably beginning with setting an alarm in time to do so – that support you in feeling powerful, confident, aligned, and purposeful when you walk into your day.
If you’re an option 2 girl, but still not sure if you want to commit to a morning routine, lemme share the core reasons I’m committed to mine:
First, let’s clarify – What’s a morning routine? A step or series of steps you take in the morning to move into your day intentionally. One might include:
- working out / exercise
- meditation
- visualization
- prayer
- journaling
- affirmations
- reading
- writing
- arithmetic…just kidding.
- A morning routine can include anything you do intentionally and mindfully first thing in the morning to help you feel ________ (inspired, motivated, aligned, purposeful, fulfilled), so you can get more done and feel good doing it...basically.
Here’s why I am committed to mine:
- It builds the habit of keeping promises to yourself. By the time my kids are even awake, I’ve shown up for myself. There is big psychological value in YOU believing YOU, when YOU say YOU’RE going to do something (and a detriment to the opposite). Showing up for your morning routine consistently is one way to build that belief.
- It gives you precious time to yourself. Yes, you probably have to get up earlier to do it, but to me, it’s worth it. When I don’t have intentional time in my day that belongs only to me, I start to feel like I’m drowning in responsibilities and to-dos. From the time my kids get up to the time they go to sleep at night, I’m serving them, my family or friends, and/or my clients, pretty much nonstop. The time I take for my morning routine belongs only to me, and spending time that way feels similar to spending money that way – it feels like a luxury. I’m a YES to supporting myself well so I can support others BIG. My morning routine is a big part of that.
- It starts your day high-vibe, and leads to increased productivity. For me, having a set of practices designed to help me show up as my most powerful and productive self is worth something to me. It’s a benefit that I genuinely enjoy, both emotionally and practically. It changes how I show up in the world. It impacts my performance, day-to-day, and plays a large role in determining how I feel throughout my day. On too many occasions I’ve started my day by reading emails or browsing social and ended up pissed off, in comparison mode, and/or incredibly anxious and overwhelmed about all that needs done. Sound familiar? I was starting my day low-vibe and behind, before my feet even hit the floor.
So, NO, you definitely do not need a morning routine. And, you may want one. I know mine is important to me (And, side note, is why you’re reading these words now! This blog brought to you by my morning routine😜).
5 tips for creating a morning routine, OR adjusting your current morning routine so it better serves you:
- If you want a morning routine but genuinely don’t know what to include, Google it. There are so many articles and ideas out there, it won’t take you more than 10 minutes to have multiple ideas and options to consider.
- If you’re the research type who need the WHAT and the WHY behind something to buy in, get a book (or listen to one). There are many.
- Screw the “shoulds.” Exercise was and still is a no for me in the mornings, and lots of “them” say it’s a must. Not for this girl. And guess what, my morning routine is still a huge win for me.
- If this is new to you, science says habit stacking will leave you most likely to stick to a new habit or routine. "Habit stacking" means adding in a new behavior by tying it to a behavior you already consistently do. Example: if you always get up and get coffee first thing, set your journal next to the coffee pot, so you can grab it when you grab your cup o’ joe. Science also says if you plan to cut OUT a habit in the morning, you must have something to replace it with. Example: if you decide you won’t get on your phone first thing in the morning anymore, you need to have a new thing to do, to replace the old one with. Instead of getting on your phone, you will ______. Don’t wing it.
- Let your morning routine be a bright spot in your day, something you do because it lifts you up, not because you “should.” If it’s just another to-do for you, consider tweaking it so it feels more valuable, or scrapping it all together for a set period of time (30 days? 90 days?), and then reevaluating. A morning routine should support you, and leave you in a high-vibe state, not leave you feeling like you’re crumbling under the weight of all.the.THINGS before you even eat breakfast.
Which are you, team morning routine, or team no morning routine? Why? Let me know! DM me on IG - @alirspicer.
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