Pandemic Reflections: How to Reclaim Your Power in Uncertain Times

Why are you giving your power away? Why are so many of us giving our power away?
I know it’s a scary time. I know it’s a hard time, a harder time than a lot of us can remember ever having. I know you’re uncertain of…everything. I know your previously already full life is now bursting at the seams, stretching the threads tight, threatening to snap open all together. I know your hard fought for and earned systems and routines have just been stripped from you. I know it feels like so much of your hard work has just been invalidated, your hard-won prize snatched away in one fell swoop. I know. And still I say, stop giving your power away!
You have the power to make change in your home. You don’t have to sit passively by while life gets too hard to handle. You can change your systems and routines. You can change your schedule. Most of all, you can change your expectations, of yourself, and of your tribe. You have the power to make a “new normal” in your home, that feels, at a minimum, livable.
You have the power to decide that you’re facing this season of life full of hope. You have the power to say one thing out loud that you’re grateful for, every time you think about how hard or scary things are. You have the power to speak positive words into the life of others. You have the power to lead a positive, grateful and dynamic household. Yes, you do.
You have the power to grow, change, and adapt. Do you choose to live fully, do you choose NOT to give away a portion of your life? You have the power to solve one problem at a time, and to be a better equipped and stronger leader for your family with each new solution you find.
You have the power to be a light in your community. You, yes, YOU. You have the power to be the calm, the reassuring, the positive, the hopeful. You have the power to project a positive light right now, in this dark.
Do you understand that? Do you understand how much power you have? In times of uncertainty, when “normal” has been stripped away, you have more power than ever before to make an impact on the world. We need you!
YOU have the power to make change. Don't give in to the panic, the doom, the hysteria. Be the change. You have the power to do that.

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