Can You Have Both? How Ambitious Women Are Redefining Success in Career and Family

Both / And
- Career AND Family
- Business AND Babies
- Big Income AND Big Love
Over, and over, and OVER again I was told why I couldn’t have, do and be BOTH. I can’t even guess how many times I was told, directly or indirectly, that me choosing to have a career was bad for my boys.
I’ve heard all about how people who prioritize making money aren’t capable of also creating strong families.
I’ve been laughed at far more times than I could count, to my face and behind my back, for the ways and number of times I’ve jumped around in my life and career, trying to find a way to create my vision.
I’ve lost connection with people because of the size of goals and vision, and my outspoken commitment to bringing it all to life. “What makes you think you’re so damn special, that you can have that kind of life?”
I used to feel so defensive. I had no proof that I could create the BOTH / AND life I was after, so the insults, criticisms (even well-meant) and jokes hurt my heart and tested my faith. You want to know what I say to all those people now?
Nothing. I don't need to say anything. Because I’m living it. It’s my reality. I’m doing it. And so are a whole bunch of other ambitious women with big careers and beautiful families, who have a voice to share their experience and truth, thanks to the internet and social media.
My words aren’t for the doubters and naysayers anymore, they’re for the women around me who are scared of the size of their dreams and afraid to step out and go for it.
They’re for the new mommas who are intimidated by their new reality, and too exhausted to remember what’s possible.
They’re for every woman whose ever been laughed at for starting “another new thing,” and “failing” too many times, trying to bring her vision to life.
Girlfriend, THIS is your sign – IT’S POSSIBLE. It’s all possible. Everything you’re dreaming of. All the desires tugging at your heart.
The idea isn’t stupid, it’s perfect! And you’re not ridiculous, you’re ambitious!
Yes, it’s hard, but every path has challenge. The hardest path to walk is one that’s meant for someone else. Show up for what’s on YOUR heart, and you’ll find the strength, creativity, inspiration, and answers. Just show up.
Please just trust me on this one: he/she isn’t meant to be a part of your life, if you’re “too much,” for them.
And those babies of yours? Oh girl, the lessons and gifts you’ll give them along the way! About hard work, and strength, and faith, and making an impact, and showing up scared. And about WHO decides what’s possible for their life. Who gets to make that decision?
You do. What’s possible for you is determined entirely and completely by YOU.
Go ahead and pick BOTH / AND. It's one of the available options. Promise.
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