Why You Should Ignore the 'Expert Advice' and Show Up Authentically

You want to build your business, brand and/or social following. You know that means showing up consistently, probably daily. You know it means some combo of posting on your social accounts, creating videos, and/or writing blogs – and PUBLISHING. You KNOW you need to publish more.

But you don’t do it. You WANT to do. But you don’t. How come?

Let’s just get this outta the way first: its not about TIME. It’s never about time. This is a whole separate topic and post for another day, but in general, 24 hours/day is plenty of time to grow your business and brand, love your family well, and do YOU. Its not about time.

FEAR: Fear of judgement. Fear of rejection. Fear of looking stupid or knowitall or annoying. Fear that they’re going to figure out that you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, or that you have nothing of value or interest to say.

“Who am I to…”
-Almost Everyone

It’s not just you feeling that way. Actually, it’s pretty much everyone. The fear of showing up, and feeling like you have nothing of value to add or say is far more common than the opposite. Most people experience some version of, “What will they think? / Who am I to…” More do than don’t. You and your fear aren’t weird, or silly, or ridiculous. It's not a sign you're not meant for this, or that you can't do it. It's a sign that you’re so beautifully human, and you’re not alone.

TRUTH: The more knowledge you have, the more aware you become of what you DON’T know. For this reason, those with the most to offer often fear showing up the most.

Relate? And here’s the thing – the popular advice on this topic sucks! It sucks because its not helpful for most people. Something like…

“You’ve got to own that you’re an expert now. Just do it. As long as you know a tiny bit more than those you’re trying to help, you’re an expert, so own it and show up on the internet as one.”

Noun | a person who has comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area
Adjective | having or involving authoritative knowledge

Do you feel like an expert now that they told you to be one? Cool, now post daily and enlighten the world with your expertise.

TRUTH: If “expert” doesn’t align with the identity you hold of yourself today, you won’t feel compelled to show up as one today. You might be able to push through a handful of times, or now and then, but the effort it takes to summon the courage and then sit in the vulnerability hangover is far too great to create and publish consistently from this place.

Friend, you don’t suck at this. It’s not your fault you couldn’t show up even though you’ve taken those social media and brand building classes. You know what to do, that’s not the problem. They told you what to do, but not how to actually do it, in a way that feels aligned with who you are, and how you see yourself - today.

What to do?

Move the target. Can I put it frankly? Lower the bar.  

Declaring yourself an expert and then showing up everyday on the internet as one is a great idea, but the problem is, it’s a backward plan. In the act of showing up daily – to write, create, publish, read, learn, practice your craft, and share – you’ll become an expert. But you don’t need to be an expert to start showing up. And the pressure you feel to identify as one before you start showing up is IN. THE. WAY. It’s not the way, it’s IN the way.

Move the target. Instead of showing up daily to dazzle the world with your brilliance, simply set the intention to show up consistently and say anything meaningful to you. Anything. Every day. 

Before all the “business and/or social media experts” jump my shit for this generally poor marketing advice – YES, I know his isn’t the fastest way to become known and thought of as an expert in your field. But, if the fastest way was working for everyone, there wouldn’t be so many people wanting to show up but too "stuck" in fear and indecision to do it.

We can’t consistently live outside the identities we hold of ourselves. Once or twice, here or there, but not consistently. So first build the identity as someone who shows up online. Period. Flex your “being seen” muscle. Flex your consistency muscle. Show up, everyday, and say something meaningful to you. Anything meaningful to you. Period. Done. Check, check, check.

Once you’ve been showing up consistently for 90 days, challenge yourself to create content (don’t get intimidated…create content = say something - anything) in your field/niche one or two days/week. And all the other days you still have full permission to simply say anything meaningful to you. And, one or two days/week, stretch your capacity to show up an authority in your field. Do this consistently for another 90 days. Repeat and adjust. Now it’s 3 or 4 days of authority content. Repeat.

TRUTH: You’ll never show up with the consistency you need to become known and build your business and brand if you’ve got to muster up massive courage every single time you do. Your specific content strategy doesn’t matter if it doesn’t FEEL good to you, because if it doesn't feel good, you're not going to consistently do it. You'll stop showing up. 

  • Imposter syndrome
  • Vulnerability hangover
  • Fear of being seen

If any (or all😊) of those resonate, give yourself permission to show up in a more authentic and aligned way, to build the habit of showing up, and your tolerance for being seen. Start with what feels real, true and genuine. Start there. And slowly stretch your capacity to show up as an authority over time. Slowly begin to share your industry knowledge, but prioritize feeling comfortable just showing up consistently first.

Throw the “expert” advice out the window, and give yourself permission to start doing what actually gets you and KEEPS you in action. TRUTH: your strategy is allowed to feel good. It's allowed to feel easeful and aligned. Seriously. 

If you start showing up consistently as described above, one day you’ll look up and realize you are an expert. But you don’t need to try to force yourself to feel like one before you give yourself permission to show up (because that doesn’t work, jussayin #beenthere).

Thoughts? Send them my way on IG - @alirspicer

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