Why I Couldn’t Reach My Goals: 2 Mindset Shifts That Changed Everything

Here are 2 major ways I was getting in my own way in the pursuit of my big goals (which left me painfully unable to achieve the desires on my heart for so dang long!).

Maybe you’re getting stuck here, too. You want to accomplish your goal (bigger income, more influence, whatever it is), but you’re not ever getting there. Why not?

It always comes down to belief and self-image. You’ve got to believe you can have / do / be the the goal. I knew that, and I thought I totally understood! Here’s where I was going wrong...


I felt so entirely certain I was made to do big things, like the goals and dreams on my heart. I knew I had it in me to accomplish big goals. And I genuinely felt the desires on my heart were meant to be mine!

I got totally behind the idea (full belief) that I could do big things. Maybe this, maybe that, maybe both, but for sure big things. For SURE.

The problem? Girl. Can you go to the ice cream shop and order “ice cream?” Obvi - NO!

Chocolate, rocky road, pralines & cream.

Vanilla with chocolate sprinkles, caramel drizzle, & nuts, in a waffle cone dish.

THOSE are ice cream orders.

Building belief in yourself, and the self-image you need to achieve the thing you desire, requires specificity

A general or vague notion that you are capable of anything you set your mind to makes you feel good, but it won’t get you closer to that specific thing you want.

Does this make sense?

Make sure that the belief you’re building is SPECIFIC to THE thing you’re working on having / doing / being right now. Get clear on ALL the details in your mind, and know what it is — specifically — that you CAN have / do / be.

Vague ideas about being powerful or capable won’t get you there.


I’d have a super clear picture of what I wanted and I believed I could achieve it. I felt positive I could learn how to be/do/have it, positive that I could get there

But absolutely nowhere in me was there any shred of belief that I could go out TODAY and do it; that I could wake up TOMORROW and it would be mine.

“Someday” belief is easier to build, and it’s a great start! It’s not a step in the wrong direction, it’s just not a big enough step.

The belief you’re building is: I am/can have / do / be _______ NOW.

It’s already on the way.

It’s already yours.

There’s no doubt.

For CERTAIN it’s showing up.


THAT’S the belief you’re building!

They’re subtle shifts, but they make all the difference in truly building the beliefs that you need to create your heart's desire as your reality.

Which resonates with you more – getting specific, or believing it NOW? Shoot me a DM! @alirspicer on IG

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