Embrace Your Worth: Why You Are Worthy Just As You Are

I come from (very) HUMBLE people. I was taught really young not to “toot my own horn.”

The problem with learning it’s never appropriate to celebrate yourself is that somewhere along the way we can start to lose touch with how truly worthy, gifted, and valuable we are, just freaking because.

Not as moms. Not as business women. Not at wives, friends, or daughters. Not as earners or givers or achievers or doers. As ourselves.

As a Being who is wonderful and amazing, A BEING IS WHO IS WORTH CELEBRATING, simply because that’s how we were created.

That’s how it happened for me. What started as a positive idea (be humble) spiraled into this ever-present feeling that I simply wasn’t worth celebrating. I spent a lot of my life feeling less-than. Never good enough. Unlovable.

I tried to out-achieve my low self-esteem in all kinds of ways, which is a daily treadmill that spins faster than the planet! And the irony is, our self-image must support our Big Desires before our Big Desires can appear in our lives. Imagine how much struggling and suffering we create, by trying to achieve the Big Desire so we can create the worthy self-image, not the other way around. #chasingyourtail 

So, in case you need a little help here, too (or a LOT…like I did) – You are perfectly and wonderfully made, EXACTLY AS YOU ARE.

There are no flaws in your design, friend. None. Your Creator didn’t make a mistake on you; you’re meant to be exactly who you are. You are marvelous exactly as you are.

Yes, I mean you, who is always late. And you, who swears like a sailor. And you, who can’t seem to keep a job. And you, who messed up BIG and are currently paying the price. And you, who broke their heart. And you, who can’t seem to lose the weight. And you, who feels simply lost. 


You’re meant to be EXACTLY as you are. You are a beautiful creation; the most marvelous creation of all! Yes, YOU are.  

(This quote inspired me so much when I read it [Psycho-Cybernetic, Maxwell Maltz]!)

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